Thursday, January 26, 2012
New Blog!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Vivi is the youngest Hermann kid, who at 11 months is a little speed demon on all fours. Like every baby, she's curious about everything and most of it ends up in her mouth. So while the holidays are magical and absolutely my favorite time of year, they do bring along some extra safety challenges to take into consideration. Here are a few tips...
- Make sure Christmas trees are in a secure stand and will hold up to a baby's tug on a lower branch. Keep the glass and other breakable ornaments up high out of baby's reach, and if you're going to hang soft ornaments on the bottom, try and do so with string, not metal hooks. Clean up fallen needles often.
All those lights mean extra wires! Inspect to make sure nothing is frayed, tape up the wire along walls so baby can't wrap it around herself, and make sure unoccupied outlets are covered.
Some of the beloved holiday plants are actually poisonous to people (and pets, so keep your eye on Fido too). Mistletoe, Jerusalem Cherry, holly berries, and amaryllis, while really pretty to look at, can have all sorts of unpleasant effects if ingested, and in some cases may cause death. The ubiquitous poinsettia, while not toxic, may cause a rash if the sap contacts the skin, and eating a few leaves could leave baby feeling sick.
Remember, houseguests and visitors may inadvertently bring potential dangers along with them. Suitcases left on the ground may contain medicines and small objects baby can ingest, so make sure everyone in the house knows to keep these things out of baby's reach.
So the holiday season doesn't have to mean stress and panic for your sitter or yourself. With a little extra awareness and vigilance, you can have your fruitcake and eat it too!
Happy Holidays!
-Zoey, sitter to the Hermann kids
This winter, make sure you and everyone who cares for your child knows the ins and outs of coughs & colds.
* Don't give cough and cold medications to children under 4 years old unless prescribed by your Pediatrician. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), every year thousands of children under age 12 go to emergency rooms after taking over-the-counter cough and cold medicines. In response to safety concerns, the leading manufacturers of children's cough and cold medicines are voluntarily changing the labels on these products to state that they should not be used in children younger than 4 years of age. Previously, the labels stated that these medicines should not be given to children under age 2. Products with the old labels will not be removed immediately from store shelves but are expected to gradually be replaced with products bearing the new labels.
*Don't give your child two medications that contain the same ingredients. It's not uncommon for cough, cold and allergy medications to share some of the same ingredients so make sure you read the labels and understand what you're giving your child to avoid a potential overdose or reaction.
*Don't leave any medications where your child might be able to reach them. This goes for visitors too- ask house guests to keep medication out of the reach of children.
*Don't give honey to children younger than 1 because of the risk of botulism. Honey can be used to treat a cough in children 2 years and older.
*Saline drops or spray can help with stuffy noses.
*Popsicles or frozen Pedialyte Pops can help with dehydration and sore throats.
*Consult with your Pediatrician regarding diagnosis and treatment of cough and cold.
*When to Call 911
-if your child stops breathing or is struggling severely to breathe.
-if you infant is making grunting noises while trying to breathe.
-if nail bed, lips or mucous membranes turn blue or purple.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
This fall MEDBASICS has teamed up with
Rosie Pope Maternity & MOMPREP to offer parents & caregivers the MUST TAKE COURSE,
"Think Like an ER Doctor"
If you asked an Emergency Room doctor how they stay so calm, cool and collected during a medical emergency, what do you think they would say?
A. "I've spent my whole life preparing for this moment!"
B. "I'm not really a doctor but I play one on TV."
C. "I simply know the critical questions to ask and the necessary actions I should take."
Of course there is some truth in answer A and some entertainment value in answer B (love Grey's Anatomy- seriously? seriously.) but the correct answer is C which is fantastic news for parents and caregivers because these critical questions and actions that allow the ER docs to remain calm, cool and collected can be learned by you.
For the first time ever at MomPrep, MEDBASICS is providing the "Think Like an ER Doctor" course. Led by an Emergency Room Physician and Registered Nurse, you will learn the critical questions you need to ask and the necessary actions you should take to help your child in a variety of medical emergencies including, Anaphylaxis, Dangerous Rashes, Extremely High Fever, Head Injuries, Life-threatening Poisonings and more!
Find out exactly when you should call 9-1-1, when to call your Pediatrician and when monitoring your child at home is enough. Understand what ER doctors really want to know from parents and discover the insider's secrets to traversing the Emergency Room as painlessly as possible. Parents and caregivers should not miss this demystifying and empowering course.
Each participant will receive a MEDBASICS Critical Q&A (Questions & Actions) Pathway for each emergency discussed. We recommend taking this information wherever your child goes.
There are so many first aid kits on the market right now which is great but I look through them and mostly just see a lot of bandages! So as I'm building my first aid kit which by the way I'm now calling my (more appropriately named) Emergency Care Kit, I'm asking myself...
"What emergencies are most likely to occur and
what do I need to know and have on hand when they do?"
This kit is for your baby so personalize it. Provide emergency contact information, insurance, his/her medical history; blood type, list of medications and surgeries, immunizations etc. This information proves very useful if you're traveling and end up in an Emergency Department somewhere.
If your little one is taking prescription medication you will clearly need to save space in your pack for the medication, but also printed instructions and an emergency refill prescription (ask your doctor if this applies to your situation).
FEVER: What do you really need?
A reliable thermometer (and petroleum jelly (Vaseline) to lubricate the tip). The American Academy of Pediatrics say the days of glass mercury doo dads are gone. If you've not already done so, go buy a digital thermometer. As tempting as the forehead strips and ear thermometers are, please just buy a regular digital thermometer. A rectal temp provides the most accurate reading, particularly in infants under 1 year.
Your kit should include Infant Tylenol (acetaminophen) and Motrin (ibuprofen- give only if your baby is older than 6 months). Don't give aspirin as it can cause liver failure in children.
BLEEDING: Bring on the bandages! This list should cover everything from a big fall (think control bleeding on the way to the Emergency Department fall) to a skinned knee. In a true emergency if you don't have bandages, you can use a t-shirt, a blanket or your hands to hold pressure to the wound if necessary.
* Absorbent compress (2 5"x9" dressings)
* Adhesive bandages (assorted sizes)
* Roller bandages (2 rolls- a 3" and 4")
* Sterile gauze pads (5 3"x3" and 5 4"x4")
* Adhesive paper tape (1 roll, paper so you don't need scissors)
* Antibiotic ointment (like Neosporin)
* Instant cold compress
Sunblock. My favorite is Blue Lizard which is a physical blocking sunscreen which works better (and is safer) than chemical blocking sunscreens. Also, the bottle changes colors allowing you to know when harmful rays are present and it's time to reapply. Sun protection is a daily commitment- even in the winter.
You can use the bandages from above to cover a burn to reduce the chance of infection. Also, go ahead and give your baby the Tylenol because you know what? Burns hurt.
Must have- poison control phone number 1-800-222-1222
A bottle of saline solution or water for rinsing eyes
(notice this kit does not include syrup of ipecac or activated charcoal)
Hydrocortisone is good for itchy rashes
Hand sanitizer, lotion and lip balm
Wipes and an extra diaper... trust me, at some point you will thank me for this. Have you ever been traveling and realized you just used your last diaper? Ummm... tell me that's not an emergency!
Sting pads (you can create a paste with baking soda and water that does the same thing)
Guide to infant emergencies- we all know what we do on a daily basis and my guess is you're not administering emergency care to your child very often so it's a good idea to include a "what to do" guide like baby MEDBASICS travel version to walk you through situations like choking and CPR
Something to keep your little one distracted- stickers, a little toy, pictures of family
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
What is it you ask? Simple.
Ok, it's you & a baby... maybe yours, maybe your niece, maybe a baby on the street. You notice this baby is choking, not breathing. What is your reaction? Panic? Frozen with fear? Hysterical? You try to call
MEDBASICS' workshops are EMPOWERING, enabling parents & caregivers to CONFIDENTLY be an active, crucial part of their child’s first response team.
At MEDBASICS, we understand that taking action can not stop at calling 911 and that part of loving your child is knowing what to do & how to help when they need you most.
* Ask about our Nanny Discount!

- Find out how to prepare for emergencies even when you're traveling.
- Get the inside scoop for navigating the Emergency Room.
- Led by an ER Doctor & RN.
-Only $99 per person which includes a complementary baby MEDBASICS home pack ($35 value) Workshop is 2+ hours with lots of hands on practice time.
- We come to you! Gather 5 or more of your friends & family, order a pizza, open a bottle of wine or soda & let's get started!
(minimum 5 people per class)
"Every mom has nightmares about her mind going blank as her child chokes on a Cheerio. Baby MEDBASICS is a way to stop the anxiety."
-Cookie Magazine
Schedule Now, Fall Workshops are filling fast!
p: 917-353-1932
-Jenny & Daren